isosurface { //------------------------------------------------------------- function{ f_helix1( x,y,z, 8, // number of helixes, (1 = single helix, 2 = double helix etc.) 4, // period, turns on the length of 2*pi 0.07, // minor radius, 0.80, // major radius, 0.75, // shape parameter, 2.0, // cross section type, (0.0 to 1.0 = square ... rounded to circle // over 2.0 to 3.0 = rounded to diamond and concave diamond 0 // cross section rotation angle ) } contained_by {box {<-1,-1,-1>,<1,1,1>}} max_gradient 8 texture{ Chrome_Metal //pigment{ color rgb <1,0.8,0.3>} finish { phong 0.2 } } rotate<0,0,0> scale 0.9 translate< 0,1.2,0> } // end of isosurface -------------------------------------------------------