// POV-Ray 3.6 / 3.7 Scene File "povarc4.pov" // author: Friedrich A. Lohmueller, Aug-2009/Jan-2011 // homepage: www.f-lohmueller.de // #version 3.6; // 3.7 global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 } #default{ finish{ ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.9 }} #include "colors.inc" #include "textures.inc" #include "stones.INC" #include "stones2.INC" // camera ---------------------------------------------------- #declare Cam0 =camera {/*ultra_wide_angle*/ angle 48 location <4.0 , 1.0 ,-6.0> right x*image_width/image_height look_at <0.0 , 1.5 , 0.0>} camera{Cam0} // sun ------------------------------------------------------- light_source{<1500,2500,-1000> color White} // sky ------------------------------------------------------- sphere{<0,0,0>,1 hollow texture{pigment{gradient <0,1,0> color_map{[0 color White] [1 color Blue ]} quick_color White } finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0} } scale 10000} // ground ---------------------------------------------------- plane{ <0,1,0>, 0 texture{ pigment { color rgb <0.80,0.55,0.35>} normal { bumps 0.75 scale 0.065 } finish { phong 0.1 } } // end of texture } // end of plane //============================================================ //---------------- arch ------------------------------- #declare Arch = difference{ box {<-1.1,0,-0.1>,< 1.1,1.1,0.1>} cylinder {<0,0,-0.11>,<0,0,0.11>,0.9 } texture{pigment{ color White} normal { bumps 0.4 scale 0.007} finish { phong 1}} }//----------------------------------------------------------- //------------- pillars -------------------------------------- #declare Pillar = union{ torus{0.10,0.05 translate<0,1.45,0>} torus{0.12,0.05 translate<0,0.04,0>} cone {<0,0,0>,0.12,<0,1.5,0>,0.1} texture{pigment{color White} normal{bumps 0.4 scale 0.007} finish {ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.8 phong 1}} }//----------------------------------------------------------- union{ union{// --------arch upon pillars --------------------------- object{Pillar translate<-1,0,-1>} object{Pillar translate< 1,0,-1>} object{Pillar translate<-1,0, 1>} object{Pillar translate< 1,0, 1>} object{Arch rotate<0, 0,0> translate< 0,1.5, 1>} object{Arch rotate<0, 0,0> translate< 0,1.5,-1>} object{Arch rotate<0,90,0> translate< 1,1.5, 0>} object{Arch rotate<0,90,0> translate<-1,1.5, 0>} translate<0,0.45,0>} // ------------------------ ------------- union{ // -------------------- steps ------------------------- box{<-1.20,0.30,-1.20>,<1.20,0.45,1.20>} box{<-1.50,0.15,-1.50>,<1.50,0.30,1.50>} box{<-1.80,0.00,-1.80>,<1.80,0.15,1.80>} texture{T_Stone8 scale 0.3 pigment{quick_color White} normal{bumps 0.4 scale 0.007} finish {ambient 0.05 diffuse 0.9 phong 1}} }//---------------------------------------------------------- scale <1,1,1> rotate<0,0,0> translate<0,0,0>} //-------------------------------------------------end -------