// POV-Ray 3.6 / 3.7 Scene File "Tube_Stopcock_000_00c.pov" // author: Friedrich A. Lohmueller, June-2009/Aug-2009/Jan-2011 // homepage: www.f-lohmueller.de //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #version 3.6; // 3.7; global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 } #default{ finish{ ambient 0.05 diffuse 0.9 }} //------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "colors.inc" #include "textures.inc" #include "glass.inc" #include "metals.inc" #include "golds.inc" #include "stones.inc" #include "woods.inc" #include "shapes.inc" #include "shapes2.inc" #include "functions.inc" #include "math.inc" #include "transforms.inc" //------------------------------------------------------------------------ #declare Camera_0 = camera {/*ultra_wide_angle*/ angle 15 // front view location <0.0 , 1.0 ,-40.0> right x*image_width/image_height look_at <0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0>} #declare Camera_1 = camera {/*ultra_wide_angle*/ angle 50 // diagonal view location < 3.50, 4.00,-4.00> right x*image_width/image_height look_at < 0.15, 0.550, 0.00> } #declare Camera_2 = camera {/*ultra_wide_angle*/ angle 90 //right side view location <3.0 , 1.0 , 0.0> right x*image_width/image_height look_at <0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0>} #declare Camera_3 = camera {/*ultra_wide_angle*/ angle 90 // top view location <0.0 , 3.0 ,-0.001> right x*image_width/image_height look_at <0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0>} camera{Camera_1} //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // sun ------------------------------------------------------------------- light_source{<1000,1500,-2500> color White*0.9} // sun light light_source{<3.50,4.00,-4.00> color rgb<0.9,0.9,1>*0.05} // flash light // sky ------------------------------------------------------------------- sky_sphere{ pigment{ gradient <0,1,0> color_map{ [0 color rgb<1,1,1> ]//White [0.4 color rgb<0.14,0.14,0.56>]//~Navy [0.6 color rgb<0.14,0.14,0.56>]//~Navy [1.0 color rgb<1,1,1> ]//White } scale 2 } } // end of sky_sphere //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------ the Axes -------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------ #macro Axis_( AxisLen, Dark_Texture,Light_Texture) union{ cylinder { <0,-AxisLen,0>,<0,AxisLen,0>,0.05 texture{checker texture{Dark_Texture } texture{Light_Texture} translate<0.1,0,0.1>} } cone{<0,AxisLen,0>,0.2,<0,AxisLen+0.7,0>,0 texture{Dark_Texture} } } // end of union #end // of macro "Axis()" //------------------------------------------------------------------------ #macro AxisXYZ( AxisLenX, AxisLenY, AxisLenZ, Tex_Dark, Tex_Light) //--------------------- drawing of 3 Axes -------------------------------- union{ #if (AxisLenX != 0) object { Axis_(AxisLenX, Tex_Dark, Tex_Light) rotate< 0,0,-90>}// x-Axis text { ttf "arial.ttf", "x", 0.15, 0 texture{Tex_Dark} scale 0.5 translate } #end // of #if #if (AxisLenY != 0) object { Axis_(AxisLenY, Tex_Dark, Tex_Light) rotate< 0,0, 0>}// y-Axis text { ttf "arial.ttf", "y", 0.15, 0 texture{Tex_Dark} scale 0.5 translate <-0.75,AxisLenY+0.50,-0.10>} #end // of #if #if (AxisLenZ != 0) object { Axis_(AxisLenZ, Tex_Dark, Tex_Light) rotate<90,0, 0>}// z-Axis text { ttf "arial.ttf", "z", 0.15, 0 texture{Tex_Dark} scale 0.5 translate <-0.75,0.2,AxisLenZ+0.10>} #end // of #if } // end of union #end// of macro "AxisXYZ( ... )" //------------------------------------------------------------------------ #declare Texture_A_Dark = texture { pigment{ color rgb<1,0.45,0>} finish { phong 1} } #declare Texture_A_Light = texture { pigment{ color rgb<1,1,1>} finish { phong 1} } object{ AxisXYZ( 3.5, 2.5, 7, Texture_A_Dark, Texture_A_Light) scale 0.5 no_shadow} //-------------------------------------------------- end of coordinate axes // ground ----------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------<<< settings of squared plane dimensions #declare RasterScale = 0.1; #declare RasterHalfLine = 0.025; #declare RasterHalfLineZ = 0.025; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #macro Raster(RScale, HLine) pigment{ gradient x scale RScale color_map{[0.000 color rgbt<1,1,1,0>*0.6] [0+HLine color rgbt<1,1,1,0>*0.6] [0+HLine color rgbt<1,1,1,1>] [1-HLine color rgbt<1,1,1,1>] [1-HLine color rgbt<1,1,1,0>*0.6] [1.000 color rgbt<1,1,1,0>*0.6]} } #end// of Raster(RScale, HLine)-macro //------------------------------------------------------------------------- plane { <0,1,0>, 0 // plane with layered textures texture { Raster(RasterScale,RasterHalfLine ) rotate<0,0,0> } texture { Raster(RasterScale,RasterHalfLineZ) rotate<0,90,0>} no_shadow } plane { <0,1,0>, 0 // plane with layered textures texture { pigment{color White*1.1} finish {ambient 0.45 diffuse 0.85}} translate<0,-1,0> } //------------------------------------------------ end of squared plane XZ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------- objects in scene ---------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef ( Tube_Fork_000_Inc_Temp) #include "Tube_Fork_000.inc" #end //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #macro Tube_Stopcock_000( R1, // ~0.50 R2, // ~0.35 ~0.65 Tube_D, // ~0.05; // tube material thickness Blobfactor, // 0.1~0.002 R_Correction, // ~ Blobfactor/5 Test_End_Cylinders_ON, // on = 1; off = 0 F_Add, // flange radius add F_D, // flange thickness FB_R, // Flange_Border_Radius Nuts_ON, // 0 = no nuts but holes; 1 = nuts - no holes Nut_Scale, // ~0.035 Number_of_Nuts, // ~ 16, Side_End_Cover_ON, Stopcock_Wheel_ON, // 0 or 1 Stopcock_Wheel_Rotation_Angle, Wheel_Rmin, Wheel_Rmaj, Wheel_Axis_Len, ) // ------------------------------------------------ //-------------------------------------------------------- dimensions #local D = 0.0001; // just a little bit !!! #local Box_L = 4*R1; #if (F_Add <=0 ) #local F_Add = Tube_D+D; #end //-------------------------------------------------------- default textures #ifndef (Tube_Body_Texture) #declare Tube_Body_Texture = texture{ pigment{ color rgb<1,1,1>*0.95} normal { bumps 0.05 scale 0.3005} finish { phong 0.7 reflection 0.05}} #end #ifndef (Tube_Inside_Texture) #declare Tube_Inside_Texture = texture{ pigment{ color rgb<1,1,1>*0.7} finish { phong 0}} #end #ifndef (Test_Tube_Texture) #declare Test_Tube_Texture = texture { pigment { color rgb<0.7,0.3,1>} //normal { bumps 0.5 scale <0.25, 0.005,0.005>} finish { phong 0.5 reflection 0.00 } } // end of texture #end //--------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef( Flange_Texture_1 ) #declare Flange_Texture_1 = texture { pigment{ color rgb< 1, 1, 1>*0.75 } normal { bumps 0.015 scale 0.005 } finish { phong 1 reflection 0.00} } // end of texture #end #ifndef( Flange_Texture_2 ) #declare Flange_Texture_2 = texture { pigment{ color rgb< 1, 1, 1>*0.65 } normal { bumps 0.015 scale 0.005 } finish { phong 1 reflection 0.00} } // end of texture #end #ifndef( Flange_Hole_Texture ) #declare Flange_Hole_Texture = texture { pigment{ color rgb< 1, 1, 1>*0.55 } normal { bumps 0.015 scale 0.005 } finish { phong 1 reflection 0.00} } // end of texture #end #ifndef( Nut_Texture_1 ) #declare Nut_Texture_1 = texture { pigment{ color rgb< 1, 1, 1>*0.75 } normal { bumps 0.015 scale 0.005 } finish { phong 1 reflection 0.00} } // end of texture #end #ifndef( Nut_Texture_2 ) #declare Nut_Texture_2 = texture { pigment{ color rgb< 1, 1, 1>*0.55 } normal { bumps 0.015 scale 0.005 } finish { phong 1 reflection 0.00} } // end of texture #end #ifndef( Wheel_Texture_1 ) #declare Wheel_Texture_1 = texture { pigment{ color rgb< 1, 1, 1>*0.85 } normal { bumps 0.015 scale 0.005 } finish { phong 1 reflection 0.00} } // end of texture #end //--------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------- #local Nut = union{ object{ Hexagon texture { Nut_Texture_2 } scale <0.4,1,1>*Nut_Scale/2 translate } // end of object Hexagon cylinder{ <0,0,0>, , Nut_Scale/2*0.5 texture { Nut_Texture_1 } } // end of cylinder }// end uni //--------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------- #macro Flange ( Tube_Rad, Flange_Add ) // ---------------------- submacro #local Flange_Base = difference{ // (point A, point B, Radius, EdgeRadius, UseMerge) object{ Round_Cylinder(<0,0,0>, ,Tube_Rad+Flange_Add, FB_R, 0) texture{Flange_Texture_1}} cylinder{ <-D,0,0>,,Tube_Rad-Tube_D/2 texture{Tube_Inside_Texture} } #local Nr = 0; // start #local EndNr = Number_of_Nuts; // end #while (Nr< EndNr) cylinder{<-D,0,0>,,Nut_Scale/2*0.5 texture{ Flange_Hole_Texture } translate<0,0,-Tube_Rad-(Flange_Add)/2> rotate} #local Nr = Nr + 1; // next Nr #end // --------------- end of loop } // end of diff // ------------------------------------ union{ object{ Flange_Base} #if (Nuts_ON = 1) union{ #local Nr = 0; // start #local EndNr = Number_of_Nuts; // end #while (Nr< EndNr) object{ Nut translate rotate} #local Nr = Nr + 1; // next Nr #end // --------------- end of loop } #end //'#if (Nuts_ON = 1) ' } // end of union #end //-------------------------------- end submacro ------------ //--------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------- #declare Side_Cover = union{ // flange + cover plate object{ Flange( R2, F_Add ) } object{ Round_Cylinder(<0,0,0>, ,R2+F_Add, FB_R,0) texture{Flange_Texture_1}} } // ------------------------------------------------------------ //--------------------------------------------------------------- #declare Wheel = union{ // axis holder object{ Round_Cylinder(<-FB_R,0,0>, ,2*Wheel_Rmin, FB_R, 0) texture{Flange_Texture_1}} object{ Round_Cylinder(<-FB_R,0,0>, ,2.5*Wheel_Rmin, FB_R, 0) texture{Flange_Texture_1}} // wheel + axis union{ //2 cylinder{ <0,0,0>,,Wheel_Rmin} union{ //3 torus{ Wheel_Rmaj, Wheel_Rmin rotate<0,0,90> } cylinder{ <0,0,-Wheel_Rmaj>,<0,0,Wheel_Rmaj>,Wheel_Rmin*2/3 } cylinder{ <0,0,-Wheel_Rmaj>,<0,0,Wheel_Rmaj>,Wheel_Rmin*2/3 rotate<90,0,0>} sphere{ <0,0,0>,Wheel_Rmin*1.75 scale<0.67,1,1> } scale<0.8,1,1> translate } // uni3 texture{Wheel_Texture_1} } // uni2 } // end of union Wheel //-------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------- all together now! union{ // add the flanges object{ Flange( R1, F_Add ) scale <-1,1,1> rotate<0,90,0> translate<0,0,-Box_L> } object{ Flange( R1, F_Add ) scale < 1,1,1> rotate<0,90,0> translate<0,0, Box_L> } object{ Flange( R2, F_Add ) scale <-1,1,1> rotate<0,0,0> translate } //------------------------------ #if ( Side_End_Cover_ON = 1 | Stopcock_Wheel_ON = 1 ) // Cover with wheel - Deckel mit Rad object{ Side_Cover translate } #end //------------------------------ #if ( Stopcock_Wheel_ON = 1 ) object{ Wheel rotate translate } #end //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // needs: #include "Tube_Fork_000.inc" object{ Tube_Fork_000 ( // total container box length = 4*R1 R1, // R1, // main tube radius: 1 ~ 0.25 R2, // R2, // side tube radius: 1.5 ~ 0.20 Tube_D, // Tube_D, // tube material thickness Blobfactor, // Blobfactor; // 0.1~0.002 ; maximum ~ 0.20 !! R_Correction, // radius correction, ~ 0.06 Test_End_Cylinders_ON, // Test_cylinders_ON; on = 1; off = 0 ) // ------------------------------------------------- } // end of object ----------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------ } // end union with flanches #end // --------------------------------------------------- end of macro //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------ optional textures /* #declare Tube_Body_Texture = texture{ pigment{ color rgb<0.3,0.7,0>*1.3} finish { phong 1 reflection 0.10}} #declare Tube_Inside_Texture = texture{ pigment{ color rgb<0.3,0.7,0>*1.1} finish { phong 1}} #declare Test_Tube_Texture = texture { pigment { color rgb<1,0.7,0>} //normal { bumps 0.5 scale <0.25, 0.005,0.005>} finish { phong 0.5 reflection 0.00 } } // end of texture //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- object{ Tube_Stopcock_000( // total length in z: 4*R1 / in x+: 2*R1 0.50, // R1, // main tube radius: 1 ~ 0.25 0.35, // R2, // side tube radius: 1.5 ~ 0.20 0.05, // Tube_D, // tube material thickness 0.15, // Blobfactor; // 0.1~0.002 ; maximum = 0.20 !! 0.05, //R_Correction, // ~ Blobfactor/5 0, // Test_End_Cylinders_ON=1; off=0 0.14, // F_Add, // flanch radius add 0.05, // F_D, // flanch thickness 0.01, // FB_R, // Flanch_Border_Radius 1, // Nuts_ON, // 0 = no nuts but holes; 1 = nuts - no holes 0.085, // Nut_Scale, // ~0.035 12, // Number_of_Nuts, // ~ 16, 1,// Side_End_Cover_ON, 1,// Stopcock_wheel_ON 20,// Stopcock_wheel_Rotation_Angle // wheel sitzes 0.05, // Wheel_Rmin, 0.45, // Wheel_Rmaj, 0.35, // Wheel_Axis_Len, ) // ----------------------------------------------- rotate <0,0,90> } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------