Species: ~ 15
Geography: North America, Central America, western China.
Symphoricarpos albus (L.) S.F.Blake (Common Snowberry - Gewöhnliche Schneebeere).
Symphoricarpos albus var. laevigatus (Fernald) S.F.Blake- (White Snowberry -Weiße Schneebeere)
syn.: Symphoricarpos rivularis Suksd.
- Symphoricarpos mexicanus Hort. ex K.Koch, - (Mexican Snowberry - Mexikanische Schneebeere).
- Symphoricarpos microphyllus Kunth, - (Littleleaf Snowberry - Kleinblättrige Schneebeere).
- Symphoricarpos mollis Nutt., - (Creeping Snowberry - Kriechende Schneebeere).
- Symphoricarpos occidentalis Hook., - (Western Snowberry, Wolfberry (unrelated to the Lycium species of the same name) - Westliche Schneebeere, Wolfsbeere).
- Symphoricarpos orbiculatus Moench, - (Coralberry - Korallenbeere).
- Symphoricarpos oreophilus A.Gray, - (Mountain Snowberry - Berg-Schneebeere).
- Symphoricarpos rotundifolius A.Gray, - (Roundleaf Snowberry - Rundblättrige Schneebeere).
- Symphoricarpos sinensis Rehder, - (Chinese Coralberry).