3D-Animations A Gallery of Raytraced Animations by Friedrich A. Lohmueller Wireframes I |
Home 3D-Animations Index Lo-gos+Abstract Op-Art Psycodelics Oscillations Sine 3D - Sinus 3D Geometry Platonic Animations Algebraic Surfaces Fourth Dimension > Wireframes I Wireframes Zoo Wireframe Torus (1) Wireframe Torus (2) Wireframe Torus (3) Wireframe Torus (4) Wireframe Torus (5) Wireframe Torus (6) Wireframe Hole (1) Wireframe Hole (2) Penrose Triangle Wireframes II Twisted Engineering Railroad & Railway Fly-bys + Flying Green Planets Animated Asteroids Animated Skeletons Animated Humans Stereo Animations Tutorial: 3D-Animations with POV-Ray |