POV-Ray raytracer descriptions by Friedrich A.Lohmüller
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height_fields Index predefined shapes

Sample raster mountains by height_field 600x450

Raster Mountains

How to create Rasters
on "height_field" Mountains

Sample "Raster Mountains":

// ground ----------------------------------
// settings of squared plane dimensions
// -- stripes distance - Strichabstand:
#declare RasterScale = 1.0;
// -- stripes width    - Strichbreite
#declare RasterHalfLine  = 0.05;
// -- dito in z direction
#declare RasterHalfLineZ = 0.05;
// -- stripes color    - Stichfarbe
#declare Raster_Color = <1,1,1>*0.2;
#macro Raster(RScale, HLine)
           gradient x scale RScale
            [0.000   color rgb Raster_Color]
            [0+HLine color rgb Raster_Color]
            [0+HLine color rgbt<1,1,1,1>]
            [1-HLine color rgbt<1,1,1,1>]
            [1-HLine color rgb Raster_Color]
            [1.000   color rgb Raster_Color]
            }// end of color_map
           }// end of pigment
 #end// end of Raster(RScale, HLine)-macro

plane{ <0,1,0>, 0  } //---------------

       tga "MountLo1.tga"
     } // end of height_field ---------------

//  with layered textures raster:
// 1. -- background texture -- Hintergrund Textur
 texture{ pigment{color White*1.1}}
// 2. layerd stripes - überlagerte Streifen
 texture{ Raster(RasterScale,RasterHalfLine )}
 texture{ Raster(RasterScale,RasterHalfLineZ)
}// end of union
//end of squared plane+mountain -----

In these samples we use the image "MountLo1.tga"
(also used in my "Insert Menu Add-on")to produce these height field mountain shapes. If you don't have this file yet you can download it here as "MountLo1.tga"(373 kB) or as zipped up "MountLo1.zip"(127 kB).
If this heigh_field image is too rough for you, than put it in a graphic program, size it up and smooth it again.
The strategy to put a scquared grid on these moutains is the same as in my tutorial "Grid Plane" - see there for details.

Scene description for POV-Ray:
"raster_mountain.txt" or

A variation
with vertical stripes:

A variation
with horizontal stripes:

Scene description for POV-Ray:
"raster_mountain_ver.txt" or
Scene description for POV-Ray:
"raster_mountain_hor.txt" or

height_fields Index predefined shapes

© Friedrich A. Lohmüller, 2006
email email: (legacy email redacted)