// POV-Ray 3.6 Scene File "axis_n2.pov" // created by Friedrich A. Lohmueller, 2003 // homepage: www.f-lohmueller.de // global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 } #include "colors.inc" #include "textures.inc" // camera ----------------------------------------------------------- #declare Cam0 = camera {//ultra_wide_angle angle 16 location <0.0 , 1.0 ,-30.0> look_at <0.25 , 1.0 , 0.0>} #declare Cam1 = camera {ultra_wide_angle angle 90 location <20.0 , 20.5 ,-30.0> look_at <0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0>} camera{Cam0} // sun --------------------------------------------------------------- light_source{<1500,2500,-2500> color White} // sky --------------------------------------------------------------- sphere{<0,0,0>,1 hollow texture{pigment{gradient <0,1,0> color_map{[0.0 color Blue ] [0.5 color White] [1.0 color Blue ]} quick_color White scale 2 translate<0,-1,0>} finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0} } scale 10000} //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #macro Axis_( AxisLen, RedTexture,WhiteTexture) // --------------------- union{ cylinder {<0,-AxisLen,0>,<0,AxisLen,0>,0.05 texture{checker texture{RedTexture} texture{WhiteTexture} translate<0.1,0,0.1>}} cone{<0,AxisLen,0>,0.2,<0,AxisLen+0.7,0>,0 texture{RedTexture}} } // end of union "Axis" #end // of macro Axis (AxisLen) //-------------------------------------- #macro AxisXYZ( AxisLenX, AxisLenY, AxisLenZ, TexRed, TexWhite) //--------------------- 3 Achsen zeichnen ----------------------------- union{ object{Axis_(AxisLenX, TexRed, TexWhite) rotate< 0,0,-90>} // x-Axis object{Axis_(AxisLenY, TexRed, TexWhite) rotate< 0,0, 0>} // y-Axis object{Axis_(AxisLenZ, TexRed, TexWhite) rotate<90,0, 0>} // z-Axis //--------------------- Achsenbezeichnungen --------------------------- text{ttf"arial.ttf", "x", 0.15, 0 texture{TexRed} scale 0.5 translate } text{ttf"arial.ttf", "y", 0.15, 0 texture{TexRed} scale 0.5 translate <-0.85,AxisLenY+0.50,-0.05>} text{ttf"arial.ttf", "z", 0.15, 0 texture{TexRed} scale 0.5 translate <-0.75,0.2,AxisLenZ+0.50>} } // end of union #end// of macro "AxisXYZ(...)" //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------drawing the axis ---- Achsen zeichnen ------ #declare Tex_Dark = texture{ pigment{color rgb<1,0.25,0>} finish {ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.9 phong 1}} #declare Tex_White =texture{ pigment{color rgb<1,1,1>} finish {ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.9 phong 1}} object{ AxisXYZ( 3.5, 3, 0.0001, Tex_Dark, Tex_White)} //--------------------------end of coordinates ---- Ende der Koordinaten // background ---------------------------------------------------<<<< Raster macro //---------------------------------------------------------------- #macro Raster(RScale, HLine) pigment{ gradient x scale RScale color_map{[0.000 color rgbt<0,0,0,0>] [0+HLine color rgbt<0,0,0,0>] [0+HLine color rgbt<1,1,1,1>] [1-HLine color rgbt<1,1,1,1>] [1-HLine color rgbt<0,0,0,0>] [1.000 color rgbt<0,0,0,0>]} } finish {ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.9} #end// of Raster(RScale, HLine)-macro //-----------------------------------------------------------------<<< Grid macro #macro Grid (RasterScale, RasterHalfLine, Background_pigment) plane{<0,1,0>, 0 // uses layerd textures!!!! texture{Background_pigment finish {ambient 0.45 diffuse 0.65}} texture{Raster( RasterScale, RasterHalfLine) rotate<0,0,0> } texture{Raster( RasterScale, RasterHalfLine) rotate<0,90,0>} scale 1} #end // end of macro Grid (RasterScale, RasterHalfLine, Background_Texture) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- object{ Grid ( 0.5, 0.035, pigment{color rgb<1,1,1>*1.1} ) rotate<-90,0,0>}