POV-Ray Raytracer descriptions by Friedrich A. Lohmueller
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Grids and Axes for Systems of Coordinates
and Visualisations of Mathematical Functions

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How to create grids and axes for 2- and 3 dimensional systems of coordinates in POV-Ray.
(uses javascript to show some sample images in 600x450 pixels)
1. Grid Box
(Objects: box. Methods: color_map, layered textures, #macro.)
2. Grid Plane
(Objects: plane. Methods: color_map, layered textures, #macro.)
3. Systems of Coordinates with Axes
(Objects: cone, cylinder, plane. Methods: declare, union, #macro.)
4. Visualisation of Mathematical Functions
in a 2D System of Coordinates

update! 07-May-2005
(Objects: cone, cylinder, sphere. Methods: declare, union, #macro, #while.)


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