// tree textures: --------------------------------
#declare Stem_Texture =
texture{ pigment{ color rgb< 0.75, 0.5, 0.30>*0.25}
normal{bumps 0.75 scale<0.025,0.075,0.025>}
finish { phong 0.2 }
} // end of texture
#declare Leaves_Texture_1 =
texture{ pigment{ color rgbf<0.2,0.5,0, 0.1>*0.75}
normal { bumps 0.15 scale 0.05 }
finish { phong 1 }
} // end of texture
#declare Leaves_Texture_2 =
texture{ pigment{ color rgbf<0.2,0.5,0, 0.2>*0.25}
normal { bumps 0.15 scale 0.05 }
finish { phong 0.2 }
} // end of texture
#include "sassafras_m.inc"
// tree with leaves
union{ object{ sassafras_13_stems
texture{ Stem_Texture }
} //---------------------
object{ sassafras_13_leaves
texture{ Leaves_Texture_1 }
interior_texture{ Leaves_Texture_2 }
} //---------------------
rotate <0,90,0>
tanslate <0,0,0>
} // end of union
// tree without leaves
object{ sassafras_13_stems
texture{ Stem_Texture }
scale 0.7
rotate <0,45,0>
translate <11,0,0>
} //------------------------ |