Self-made include files
First Example - An include file for an object:
Here the relevant part of a small table 'Table_01' in a simple POV-Ray scene file (red):
// POV-Ray 3.6/3.7 scene file sample
// camera, light, background here !
// ...
//////////// object definition ///////
// table dimensions
#local H = 0.50; // height,
#local W = 0.45; // width in x and z
#local R = 0.02; // thickness
#declare Table_01 =
// feet
cylinder{<0,0,0>,<0,H,0>, R
translate< W/2-R,0,-W/2+R>}
cylinder{<0,0,0>,<0,H,0>, R
translate< W/2-R,0, W/2-R>}
cylinder{<0,0,0>,<0,H,0>, R
translate<-W/2+R,0, W/2-R>}
cylinder{<0,0,0>,<0,H,0>, R
// seat
box{ <-W/2,-0.025,-W/2>,<W/2,0,W/2>
translate<0,H,0> }
pigment{ color rgb<0.75,0.5,0.3>*0.3}
}// end of union 'Table_01'
// using the object:
object{ Table_01
//------------------------------------ |
Making an Include File and How we refer to it:
Now we put the declaration of the object 'Table_01' in a new separate file called ''
and we save it in the same directory as the scene (.pov) file:
(other possibilties are descriped later!)
The POV-Ray Scene File
using the object 'Table_01':
//POV-Ray scene 'Scene_with_Table_01.pov'
// needs: ""
// ...
// camera, light, background here !
// ...
#include ""
// using the object:
object{ Table_01
// ... and again once more:
object{ Table_01
// ...
//------------------------------------ |
1) An include file must be included in the scene file
before anything of it's content can be used!
The best place is up in the scene file header or before the main objects in the scene!
2) Subsequent uses of the content of an include file
(here: object{ Table_01 ...})
need including the relative include file only once!
The POV-Ray include file
// POV-Ray Include File: ''
// table dimensions
#local H = 0.50; // height,
#local W = 0.45; // width in x and z
#local R = 0.02; // thickness
#declare Table_01 =
// feet
cylinder{<0,0,0>,<0,H,0>, R
translate< W/2-R,0,-W/2+R>}
cylinder{<0,0,0>,<0,H,0>, R
translate< W/2-R,0, W/2-R>}
cylinder{<0,0,0>,<0,H,0>, R
translate<-W/2+R,0, W/2-R>}
cylinder{<0,0,0>,<0,H,0>, R
// seat
box{ <-W/2,-0.025,-W/2>,<W/2,0,W/2>
translate<0,H,0> }
pigment{ color rgb<0.75,0.5,0.3>*0.3}
}// end of union 'Table_01'
// ............... end of include file
3) The include file does not contain any camera, light or
background items.
The include file contain only the table declarations - nothing else!
4) Declaring objects in include files: It makes sense to use the objects
here centered at the origine <0,0,0>
without any rotate or translate!
Otherwise re-using them in other scenes may become very difficult!