Other geometric objects from the include file "shapes2.inc"
Before you can use the following geometric shapes the according include file must be inserted
in the scenery description file by:
#include "shapes2.inc".
In the file "shapes2.inc" the following objects are declared:
Lower row from the left side:
Tetrahedron = Tetraeder, pyramid with triangular base (here with rotate<0,180,0>),
Octahedron = Oktaeder, double pyramid, 8 sides
Dodecahedron = Dodekaeder, 12 sides
Icosahedron = Ikosaeder, 20 sides
Octahedron s.o.
Upper row from the left side:
Hexagon = regulars six sided prism
sphere{<0,0,0>,1} (Unit sphere for to compare with)
Pyramid = Pyramide, side lenght = base width
Pyramid2 = Pyramide with 45 degrees
These regular geometric shapes are defined symetric to <0,0,0>.
Sample for how to use them as "object" by:
translate<...> }