Descriptions and Samples for the POV-Ray Raytracer by Friedrich A. Lohmüller
    deutsche Version

Fence overview Shoji - Japanese paperwalls - paravent

shoji - a Japanese paperwall

A single shoji element - macro

A grid of frames + transparent paper

The grid of frames are realised by vertical and horizontal thin boxes, which are placed in while loops. The box macro consists of two boxes with a lighter and a darker shade of the same texture this makes it more sculptural if the object is only lighted by ambient light in the shadows.
// -----------------------------------------------------
#declare Shoji_WoodTX  = 
 texture{ pigment{color LightWood*1.5 quick_color White}
          finish {ambient 0.55 diffuse 0.50 phong 1}}
          // for visible yz surfaces
#declare Shoji_WoodTY  = 
 texture{ pigment{color LightWood*1.5 quick_color White}
          finish {ambient 0.50 diffuse 0.55 phong 1}}
          // for visible xz surfaces

#macro HortS(Dx,Dy,Dz)
#local D = 0.0001; // just a little bit !!
 box {<D,D,D>,< Dx-D,Dy-D,Dz  > texture{Shoji_WoodTX}}
 // this is the visible yz surface
 box {<D,D,D>,< Dx-D,Dy  ,Dz-D> texture{Shoji_WoodTY}}
 // this is the visible xz surface
} #end // ----------------------------------------------
Partly transparent paper by material:
To make visible the casting of shadows it is necessary to use "caustics" in the "interior"-statement of "material"
// ------------------------------------------------
#declare Shoji_M = 
 material{texture {pigment{color White filter 0.27 
                           quick_color White}
                   normal {bumps 0.1 scale 0.002}
                   finish {ambient 0.65 diffuse 0.45
                           phong 0.5}
          interior{caustics 0.002
          }// end of material ----------------------
The complete shoji element is formed by a union of two macro defined objects:
1. the paperwall with the inner grid:
#macro Shoji(WideX,WideY,XNr,YNr)
// XNr = number of segments in x direction
// YNr = number of segments in y direction
2. the wooden outer frame:
#macro Window1(WideX, WideY,FrameXY,FrameZ)
// FrameXY = the frame dimensions in x and y direction
// Frame Z = the thickness in z direction
A single shoji element 600x800
A single shoji element
Click here for the complete scene description
for POV-Ray: ".txt" file or ".pov" file

Fence overview Shoji - Japanese paperwalls - paravent

© Friedrich A. Lohmüller, 2003     email email: (legacy email redacted)