Descriptions and Samples for the POV-Ray Raytracer by Friedrich A. Lohmüller
    deutsche Version

Castle (2) with moat overview Castle (4) Posssible further expansions

Castle: 3.Tower with Windows

The Construction of a Tower with Windows.

Objects: "box", "plane".
Methods: "declare", "union", "difference", "intersection", "inverse", "bounded_by"

Sectional view of the tower.

The Construction in Details:

About the construction of windows see here.
First the body of the tower is caved out by subtracting cylinders. Then the holes for the windows were subtracted and finally the predefined windows were put in on the same positions.

//------------------ Tower ---------------------------
   cone{<0,-8,0>,3.0,<0,0,0>,2.0      texture{Walltex}}
   cylinder {<0,0,0>,<0,5,0>,2.0      texture{Walltex}}
   cylinder {<0,0.0,0>,<0,0.1,0>,2.05 texture{Walltex}}
   cylinder {<0,2.5,0>,<0,2.6,0>,2.05 texture{Walltex}}
   } // union
   cylinder {<0,-0.1,0>,<0,2.45,0>,1.7 texture{Walltex}}
   cylinder {<0,2.50,0>,<0,5.10,0>,1.7 texture{Walltex}}
   object{WindowHole rotate<0,  45,0> translate<0,0,0>}
   object{WindowHole rotate<0, 135,0> translate<0,0,0>}
   object{WindowHole rotate<0, 225,0> translate<0,0,0>}
   object{WindowHole rotate<0, 315,0> translate<0,0,0>}
   object{WindowHole rotate<0,  45,0> translate<0,2.5,0>}
   object{WindowHole rotate<0, 135,0> translate<0,2.5,0>}
   object{WindowHole rotate<0, 225,0> translate<0,2.5,0>}
   object{WindowHole rotate<0, 315,0> translate<0,2.5,0>}
 object{Window rotate<0, 135,0> translate<0,0,0>}
 object{Window rotate<0, 225,0> translate<0,0,0>}
 object{Window rotate<0, 315,0> translate<0,0,0>}
 object{Window rotate<0,  45,0> translate<0,2.5,0>}
 object{Window rotate<0, 135,0> translate<0,2.5,0>}
 object{Window rotate<0, 225,0> translate<0,2.5,0>}
 object{Window rotate<0, 315,0> translate<0,2.5,0>}
 cone{<0,0,0>,2.5,<0,2.5,0>,0  translate<0,5,0>
 cone{<0,0,0>,2.0,<0,5.5,0>,0  translate<0,5,0>
}  // ende of Tower -----------------------------------
Click here for the complete scene description
for POV-Ray: ".txt" file or ".pov" file

This text part has to replace the old description of "Tower" in the previous description of the castle.

Castle (2) with moat overview Castle (4) Posssible further expansions

© Friedrich A. Lohmüller, 2003     email email: (legacy email redacted)