- POV-Ray Tutorials
- Analytical Geometry
with POV-Ray
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Possibilities and Needs
Points & Lines
- Points in 3D
- Line Sections, Straight,
Vectors, Distance Markers
- Surfaces & Planes
- Output of Results,
- Points of Intersection
- Circles
- Tetrahedron
- Parallelepiped
- Round Solids
- Overview by Table
on "analytical_g.inc"
- Vector Analysis
with POV-Ray
- Righthanded & Lefthanded
Systems of Coordinates
and the Cross Product
- Samples from
Analytical Geometry
> Parallelogram of the
Middles of the Edges
- Trace Points of a Straight Line
- Calculations about a Triangle
- Area of a Parallelogram
and Cross Product
- Shadow of a Pyramid
- Hit a plane || yz-plane
- Angle of triangle & yz-plane
Analytical Geometry with POV-Ray
- Samples - |
The quatrilateral connecting the middles of the edges of a quatrilateral
is always a parallelogram |
The quatrilateral connecting the middles of the edges of a quatrilatera
A 3d quatrilateral is defined by 4 points:
#declare P = < 1.5, 0.0,-4.0>;
#declare Q = < 4.0, 1.0, 3.5>;
#declare R = < 0.0, 1.5, 3.5>;
#declare S = <-3.0, 4.0,-2.5>;
A 3d quatrilateral need not to be flat!
In contrast to a 2d quatrilateral the area of a 3d quatrilateral
cannot be defined unambiguous by 4 points!
A 3d quatrilateral need not to be flat!
The middle of the edges MPQ, MQR, MRS und MSP
of the quatrilateral are to calculate as follows:
#declare M_PQ = (P+Q)/2;
#declare M_QR = (Q+R)/2;
#declare M_RS = (R+S)/2;
#declare M_SP = (S+P)/2;
If we connect the middles of the edges, we get a parallelogram.
Also if we interchange i.e. the points S and R:
#declare S = < 0.0, 1.5, 3.5>;
#declare R = <-3.0, 4.0,-2.5>;
again - we get a parallelogram.
The quatrilateral connecting the middles of the edges
of a quatrilatera is always a parallelogram!
Proof :
For the vector of the edge MPQMQR we have:
MPQMQR = (Q+R)/2 - (P+Q)/2
= Q/2 + R/2 - P/2 - Q/2
= R/2 - P/2. (I)
For the vector of the edge opposite MPSMRS we have:
MPQMQR = (R+S)/2 - (S+P)/2
= R/2 + S/2 - S2 - P/2
= R/2 - P/2. (II)
Comparing (I) with (II) we see, that both edges are represented by
the same vector, that means they are parallel and they have the same length.
A quatrilateral with two opposite parallel edges of the same length
must be a parallelogram.
The quatrilateral connecting the middles of the edges
of a quatrilatera is always a parallelogram.
This scene for POV-Ray:
".txt" file or
".pov" file
The quatrilateral connecting the middles of the edges
of a quatrilatera with interchanged Points S and R.
This scene for POV-Ray:
".txt" file or
".pov" file