Descriptions and Samples for the POV-Ray Raytracer by Friedrich A. Lohmüller
    deutsche Version

shape of an egg overview Wheel - with and without while-Loop

Egg - part 2


Replacing the marked parts as follows:
//--------------------------------//from <--1
#declare Egg_Tex =
 texture{pigment{color rgb<1,0.85,0.0>}
         normal {bumps 0.75 scale 0.1}
         finish {ambient 0.15 
                 diffuse 0.85 phong 1}}
                                  //until <--2
//--------------------------------//from  <--3
object{ Egg scale 0.4 translate<-1,1,-1>}
object{ Egg scale 0.4 translate< 0,1,-1>}
object{ Egg scale 0.4 translate< 1,1,-1>}
object{ Egg scale 0.4 translate<-1,1, 0>}
object{ Egg scale 0.4 translate< 0,1, 0>}
object{ Egg scale 0.4 translate< 1,1, 0>}
object{ Egg scale 0.4 translate<-1,1, 1>}
object{ Egg scale 0.4 translate< 0,1, 1>}
object{ Egg scale 0.4 translate< 1,1, 1>}
rotate<-40,40,0> translate<0.3,0.7,-0.1>} 
//------------------------------- end ------

This produces the following image:

Sample Egg 600x450

Egg - part1 overview biconvex optical lens

© Friedrich Lohmüller, 2003     email email: (legacy email redacted)