//------------------------------------- dimensions --------
#declare StH = 0.10; // Stepheight
#declare StT = 0.50; // Stepdeapth, maximum, outside
#declare StB = 1.20; // StepWide
#declare StI = 0.40; // StepInnerRadius
#declare StAnz = 40; // Number of Steps
#declare A = 360/20; // Step rotation angle
// Here is a little trick to create
// "shadow differenciated colors"
// which look the same in the sunshine:
#declare Stex1 = texture{pigment{color White}
finish {ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.85}}
#declare Stex2 = texture{pigment{color White}
finish {ambient 0.10 diffuse 0.90}}
#declare Step = //-----------------------------------------
box {<0,0,-StT>,< StB,StH,StT> translate<StI,0,0>
plane{<0,0, 1>,0 rotate<0,-A/2,0> translate<0,0,0.01>
plane{<0,0,-1>,0 rotate<0, A/2,0> translate<0,0,0.0 >
bounded_by{box{<0,0,-StT>,<StB,StH,StT> translate<StI,0,0>}}
}//---------------------------------------- end of Step
// - building all together and drawing of the winding staircase -
//-------------------------------- #while - Loop -------
#declare Nr = 0; // sets counter Nr on start value
#while (Nr<StAnz) // check if end value is reached
object{Step // Object depending from counter Nr
rotate <0,-Nr*A,0>}
#declare Nr = Nr+1; // increase counter by 1
#end // end of the sector to repeat
rotate<0,90,0> }
//----------------------------------------------------- end |
Click here for the complete scene description for POV-Ray: ".txt" file or
".pov" file