Include file of a street with middle line:
//include file ""
// ------------------------------------
#macro Street_0( Street_Width, //
Street_Length, //
Stripes_Width, //
) //-------------------
#ifndef( Stripes_Texture )
#declare Stripes_Texture =
texture{ pigment{ color rgb<1,1,1>*1.1}
finish { diffuse 0.9 phong 0.5}
} // end of texture
#end //--------------------------------
#ifndef( Street_Texture )
#declare Street_Texture =
texture{ pigment{ color rgb<1,1,1>*.3}
normal { bumps 0.5 scale 0.005}
finish { diffuse 0.9 phong 0.1}
} // end of texture
#end //--------------------------------
#local D = 0.001;
box{ <-Street_Width/2, 0, 0>,
< Street_Width/2, D, Street_Len>
} // end of box --------------------
#local Number_of_Stripes =
#local Nr = 0; //start
#local EndNr=Number_of_Stripes;//end
#while (Nr< EndNr)
box{ <-Stripes_Width/2, 0, 0>,
< Stripes_Width/2,2*D,Stripes_Len>
texture{ Stripes_Texture}
} // end of box
#local Nr = Nr + 1; // next Nr
#end // -------- end of loop
} // end of union
#end//-------------------- end of macro
//----------------- end of include file |
Reading the include file with the default values:#include ""
object{ Street_0 ( 6, // Width,
500, // Length,
0.10, // Stripes_W,
1.00, // Stripes_Len
) //-----------------
Reading the include file with changed textures:#declare Street_Texture =
texture{ pigment{ color rgb<1,1,1>*0.4}
normal { bumps 0.75 scale 0.015}
finish { diffuse 0.9 phong 0.1}
} // end of texture
#declare Stripes_Texture =
texture{ pigment{ color rgb<1,0.75,0>*1.1}
finish { diffuse 0.9 phong 0.5}
} // end of texture
#include ""
object{ Street_0 ( 6, // Width,
500, // Length,
0.10, // Stripes_W,
1.00, // Stripes_Len
) //-----------------