Descriptions and Examples for the POV-Ray Raytracer by Friedrich A. Lohmüller
    Scale Modelling with POV-Ray -
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- POV-Ray Tutorial

  - Scale Modelling
    with POV-Ray

  - Squared Background
      in m and cm
 > Orthographic View
  - Adapting Plans
      to Background Grid
  - Multiple Views Rendering

Orthographic View
Using and Special Effects

Using of the orthographic camera
(See also the opposite image!). While looking with an orthographic camera vertical to a plan, we can compare the size of our objects directly with the plan and the squared paper behind the object!
With the orthographic camera there is no perspective foreshortening!
It's just a simple parallel projection!

A simple orthographic camera:
camera{ orthographic
        location  < 0.00, 1.60,-10.00>
        right     x*image_width/image_height
        angle     50
        look_at   < 0.00, 1.60,  0.00>;
      } //---------------------

A more comfortable orthographic camera:
'orthographic' or 'perspective' :
// choosing the camera number:
#declare Camera_Number = 0 ;
#switch ( Camera_Number )
#case (0) // front view orthographic
  #declare Orthographic_On = 1;
  #declare Camera_Position = < 1.55, 1.60,-10.00>;
  #declare Camera_Look_At  = < 1.55, 1.60,  0.00>;
  #declare Camera_Angle    =  20;
#case (1) // diagonal view perspective ('normal')
  #declare Orthographic_On = 0;
  #declare Camera_Position = <15.00, 8.00,-15.00>;
  #declare Camera_Look_At  = < 0.50, 1.70, -0.50>;
  #declare Camera_Angle    =  25;
#end // of "#switch ( Camera_Number )" ----------
camera{ #if (Orthographic_On = 1) orthographic #end
        location Camera_Position
        right    x*image_width/image_height
        angle    Camera_Angle
        look_at  Camera_Look_At
      } //---------------------

Clipping Objects with Orthographic Camera
With a orthographic camera i.e. like the following we can clip this object.
No 'look_at' but 'direction' vector!

camera{ orthographic
        location  < 0.00, 1.75, -1.80>
        right     x*image_width/image_height
        angle    88
        direction <0,0,1>
      } //---------------------

But the better way to achieve this is using an intersection with an according box. There we can also choose the color of the section surfaces. (See the opposite image!)

Perspective View
 Perspective View
Looking from the left with a 'normal' camera.

Orthographic View
 Orthographic View. A parallel looking camera.
Orthographic Front View
 Orthographic front view
Clipping objects
 Clipping objects with orthographic camera
intersection with a box
 Orthographic camera and intersection with a box.


© Friedrich A. Lohmüller, 2011