An simple, opaque, flat, reflecting surface of water:
In most cases a surface of water seams to be an opaque mirrow.
To simulate this a surface with a texture like "Polished_Chrome" is enough.
The water itself is light transparent gray without any color (clear water has no color!!!).
The color of the surface of water is mainly defined by the objects witch are
seen by reflection on that surface (Blue is the color of the sea only on sunny days with blue sky!
Water looks different with a different sky!).
// sea ------------------------------
plane{<0,1,0>, 0
texture{pigment{rgb <.2,.2,.2>}
finish {ambient 0.15
diffuse 0.55
brilliance 6.0
phong 0.8
phong_size 120
reflection 0.6}
}// end of texture
}// end of plane
//----------------------------------- |
If we have inluded the texture definitions
we simply can write:
#include ""
// sea ------------------------------
plane{<0,1,0>, 0
texture{ Polished_Chrome }
}// end of plane
//----------------------------------- |