- POV-Ray Tutorials
POV-Ray Introduction
Content - INDEX
1. Working with POV-Ray:
"Insert Menu Add-on".
2. Basics on
How To Make a Scene.
3D Coordinates,
Floats and Vectors
3. Scene Structure
Basic example.
4. Scene File Header,
#include files,
camera, light_source.
5. Basic Geometric Objects
sphere, box, cylinder,
cone, torus, plane.
and other shapes
6. Transformations
Streching, Turning,
Moving and others.
CSG: union,
difference, intersection.
7. Colors on Surfaces
texture, pigment, normal, finish
8. #declare, #local, #macro,
placeholders + flexible objects.
>9. #while Loops
Basic examples.
10. #include, include files,
re-usable objects.
11. Efficiency,
speed, flexibility,
modulare working
adapting from 3.1 to 3.5;3.6
adapting from 3.5;3.6 to 3.7
POV-Ray + Windows Vista.
- Insert Menu Add-on
& Download
#while - Automatic Serial Production by Loops
With this mechanism it is possible, like in every modern programming language,
to do automatic serial productions
in a very simple way.
Here is an example:
#declare Nr = 0; // start
#while ( Nr < 30 ) // as long as Nr < 30,
//do the following commands:
rotate<0,Nr * 360/30 ,0>
pigment{ color rgb<1,0.65,0>}
finish { phong 1.0}
} // end texture
} // end sphere
#declare Nr = Nr + 1; // next
#end // ------- end of loop |
A full circle of 30 spheres (Nr.0 to Nr.29)!
Scene file for POV-Ray:
Here is another example:
#declare CH = 3.0; //column height
#declare Column =
torus{0.4,0.05 translate<0,0.05,0>}
torus{0.3,0.05 translate<0,CH-0.05,0>}
texture{ pigment{ color rgb<1,0.95,0.8>}
normal { bumps 0.5 scale 0.01}
finish { phong 0.1 }
} // end of texture
}// end Column
union{ //-------------------------------
#local Nr = 0; // start
#local EndNr = 10; // end
#while (Nr < EndNr)
object{ Column translate<-2,0,Nr*2.5>}
object{ Column translate< 2,0,Nr*2.5>}
#local Nr = Nr + 1; // next Nr
#end // --------------- end of loop
} // end of union ----------------------- |
Attention: It's up to the user to avoid endless loops!
Further examples and more detailed explanations, see: "About While-Loops with POV-Ray"..