For correct rendering of colors with POV-Ray it's necessary to use a standardized contrast.
The correct adjustment of contrast is done by the so called gamma correction.
The way how to do this is different from POV-Ray version 3.6 and the new multicore version 3.7
(currently only as beta version, but most time it works well).
In POV-Ray 3.6 we need to add to the head of our scene files 2 lines:
#version 3.6
global_settings{assumed_gamma 1.0}
In POV-Ray 3.7 we need to add to the head of our scene files only 1 line:
#version 3.7
In POV-Ray 3.6, 3.6.2, 3.7 the line:
#if (version < 3.7) global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 } #end
(No gamma correction in scene file any more in version 3.7, such things are
(more consequent now) moved to "POVRAY.INI" file!)
For the virtual LEGO elements for POV-Ray from LGEO
the colors are defined in the incude file "LGEO\lg\".
Some of these colors seem to be defined without gamma correction. So it's necessary to correct
the color values a little bit. Also the standard colors are defined without normals and without
reflections and so the bricks look a little bit dull.
So we can correct this by creating a new color include file i.e. ""
and we have to save this in the same directory like the original file. (don't forget to change the name in
the include file or scene file of your scene!).
POV-Ray3.6 without gamma correction and original
POV-Ray3.6 with gamma correction and original
POV-Ray3.6 with gamma/POV-Ray 3.7 and adapted
Well, how you want the colors to be that's your freedom - what about a zebra texture or any other crazzy things - NO LIMITS!
- but I think the most right version above
looks more "realistic" like the classic plastic red of LEGO bricks.
I did not overwork on the hole color set of the LGEO include file. But
you can download here a first sample of my corrected color include file to see what I have changed there.
Some other examples:
With original LGEO
With adapted
With original LGEO
With adapted