Beschreibungen und Beispiele zum Raytracer POV-Ray von Friedrich A. Lohmüller
Gestaltung von Oberflächen mit POV-Ray -
English English English
Italiano Italiano
Français français

- POV-Ray Tutorial
  - Farben und Texturen

  - texture Syntax
    - Grundbeispiel
    - pigment{ ... }
    - normal{ ... }
    > normal Beispiele
    - finish{ ... }

Beispiele für: "normal {.....}"

Klicken Sie auf die Vorschaubilder für eine größere Abbildung um die dazugehörige Szenenbeschreibung zu sehen!
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normal checker
normal hexagon
normal brick
normal quilted
normal pigment_pattern average pigment_map
normal pigment_pattern cells
normal facets
normal pigment_pattern checker with turbulence
normal pigment_pattern brick with turbulence
normal pigment_pattern brick with turbulence
normal quilted with turbulence
normal pigment_pattern crackle
normal bumps
normal wrinkles
normal dents
normal spotted
normal bozo
normal agate
normal bozo
normal spotted
normal spotted
normal mandel
normal julia
normal pigment_pattern onion sine_wave
normal pigment_pattern onion ramp_wave
normal pigment_pattern radial sine_wave
normal radial poly_wave frequency 18
normal radial poly_wave frequency 32
normal radial poly_wave 3.5 frequency 18
normal radial scallop_wave
normal radial sine_wave
normal radial sine_wave
normal pigment_pattern gradient y sine_wave
normal ripples
normal wood
normal ripples
normal ripples
normal waves
normal pigment_pattern spiral2 5 sine_wave
normal pigment_pattern spiral2 5 sine_wave
normal pigment_pattern spiral1 25 sine_wave
normal pigment_pattern spiral1 15 sine_wave
normal pigment_pattern gradient
normal pigment_pattern radial
normal pigment_pattern radial
normal pigment_pattern radial
normal pigment_pattern wood
hexagon + normal_map

Vgl. Liste der Musterfunktionen für "normal" ("pigment and normal patterns")


© Friedrich A. Lohmüller, 2006