Light Source Specials:
The invisibility of light sources
and " looks_like "
Point lights by themselves are invisible:
(the reason: because of calculating precisions
it's nearly impossible to hit the position of a light by raytracing. And if this ever
will happen we will see only one little white pixel !)
Here is how to make a light_source visible:
light_source{<1.3,1,0> color White*0.7
sphere{ <0,0,0>,0.5
pigment{color White}
finish {ambient 0.9
diffuse 0.1
phong 1}
} // end texture
} // end of sphere
} //end of looks_like
} //end of light_source |
A light_source by looks_like
Shadowless Light_source: (Light up shadows!)
light_source{ <2000,2000, 0> color White
shadowless } |
Using: For fill lights instead of higher ambient values.
Note: With this light there are no highlights like phong.
Perfect for an light-up flash right at the position of the camera.
A shadowless light_source
Light "projected_through"
The inverse to casting shadows.
Needs to have a declared projecting object:
#declare Projector =
sphere{ <1,0.5,0>, 0.2
texture{ pigment{ color Red }
finish { phong 1}
} // end of texture
} // end of sphere -------------
light_source{ <1.3,1,0>
color White *0.7
projected_through { Projector }
} //end of light_source |
Light projected_through a sphere
Light fading
The diminish light from a light source.
light_source{ <1,1,0>
color White 0.7
fade_distance 0.75
fade_power 2 // 1,2,3, ...
} //end of light_source |
fade_distance = distance of full light intensity
fade_power 1 (linear)
fade_power 2 (quadratic)
Light with fade_distance and fade_power