- Textures with Normal Patterns
Example "normal_map{...}":
box{ <-1.00, -1.00, -1.00>,< 1.00, 1.00, 1.00>
pigment{ color rgb<1,0.8,0.0>}
normal { gradient x
scale 0.5 turbulence 0.1
[0.00 bumps 2.0 scale 0.045 ]
[0.20 bumps 2.0 scale 0.015 ]
[0.60 bumps 0.0 ]
[0.80 bumps 0.0 ]
[1.00 bumps 2.0 scale 0.025 ]
} // end of "normal_map"
scale 1 translate<0.1,0,0> rotate<0,45,0>
} // end of normal
finish { diffuse 0.7 phong 1 reflection 0.5}
} // end of texture --------------------------
rotate<0,20,0> translate<0.1,1.0,2.0>
} // end of box ----------------------------------------- |
Example "normal_map{...}":
cone{<0,0,0>,0.75,<0,1.5,0>,0 }
sphere{<0,0,0>,0.6 translate<0,1.5,0>}
texture{ Polished_Chrome
normal{ granite scale 0.25
[0.00 bumps 0.5 scale 0.05 ]
[0.30 bumps 0.5 scale 0.05 ]
[0.40 bumps 0 ]
[1.00 bumps 0 ]
} // end of "normal_map"
scale 2
} // end of "normal"
} // end of "texture" -----------------
rotate<10,0,-20> translate<0,0.4,0>
} // end of union --------------------------------------- |