- POV-Ray Tutorial
- Esempi per POV-Ray
Indice generale
- Geometria
- Architettura
- Tecnica
- Scala a Pioli
- Piloni e Tralicci
- Parapetto
- Ponte
- Tubature
- Bifucazione di Tubi
- Rubinetto di Arresto
- Catena
- Bobina di filo
- Torpedo
- Cruise Missile
- Razzo, Missile
- Ruota
- Camion
- Elica
- 1. Pale d'Elica
- 2. Motion Blur
- 3. Assemblaggio
- Aeroplano
- Canoa
- Chitarra
- Display a 7 Segmenti
- Cavo piatto
- Fascio di cavi
How to simulate
the motion blur of rotating blades.
Simulation of the motion blur of rotating blades
To acchieve this effect we have to use a thin disk with a texture
of radial stripes going from a little bit transparent
white colour ( "color rgbt <1,1,1,0.3>") continuously to a
totally clear section ("color Clear").
Increasing the last value of rgbt<1,1,1,0.3> to i.e. rgbt<1,1,1,0.5>
make the blur less visible and more transparent.
If we use white blur stripes than to test this effect we need to take
a dark background so that the effect will be visible clearly.
The statement "radial" together with a "texture_map"
shows this effect in the xz-plane,
so we have to turn it by rotate<90,0,0> to the xy-plane.
Using the Number_of_Blades as well as the Blade_Radius with a declared
variable, allows us to adapt this disk to any kind of propeller we want.
Simulare motion blur |
//----------------------- blured radial stripes
#macro Radial_Blur_TextureXY (Number_of_Radial_Stripes)
frequency Number_of_Radial_Stripes // = number of blades
rotate <90,0,0> // turn it in x y plane
texture_map { [0.00 pigment {color rgbt<1,1,1,0.3>}
finish {ambient 0.15
diffuse 0.85
phong 0.1 }]
[0.60 pigment{ color Clear }]
[1.00 pigment{ color Clear }]
#end // end of macro --------------------------------------
// -------------- the blur of the propeller blades
#declare Number_of_Blades = 3;
#declare Blade_Radius = 3.00; // length of the blades
cylinder { <0,0,0>,<0,0,0.001>, Blade_Radius
texture{ Radial_Blur_TextureXY(Number_of_Blades)}
// --------------------------------------------------------- |