- POV-Ray Tutorial
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- 7-Segment Display
- Flachbandkabel
- Kabelbaum
Objekte: cylinder, sphere.
Methoden: #local, #declare, union, #macro, #while loops.
This example shows how to make a railing i.e. for bridges declared as a macro.
The vertical supports are distributed in an equidistant way.
It is possible to use variable sizes for the dimensions of the railing.
The Construction in details:
Step 1: First we declare a macro with the basic variables for the dimensions of the railing
and its default texture (To changee this texture, declare it before including the macro!).
#macro Railing_1( R_Len,// railing length in x
R_H, // railing height in y
R_D, // verticals ~distance
R_R, // railing main radius
VSD, // vertical subdivision
// default texture -----------------------------
#ifndef( Railing_Texture_1 )
#declare Railing_Texture_1 =
texture { pigment{ color rgb<1,1,1>*0.7}
normal { bumps 0.25 scale 0.35}
finish { phong 0.3 }
} // end of texture
#end // ----------------------------------------
// horizontal subdivision ----------------------
#local NumV = int ( R_Len / R_D);
#local VerticalsDistance = R_Len / NumV;
// equidistant!
// horizontals
cylinder{ <0,0,0>,<R_Len,0,0>,R_R
translate<0,R_H ,0>}
sphere{<0,0,0>,R_R translate< 0,R_H,0>}
sphere{<0,0,0>,R_R translate<R_Len,R_H,0>}
// vertical subdivision
#if (VSD > 0)
#local Nr = 0; // start loop
#while (Nr < VSD )
cylinder{ <0,0,0>,<R_Len,0,0>, R_R*1/2
#local Nr = Nr + 1;
#end // end of loop
// verticals
#local Nr = 0;
#while (Nr <= NumV)
cylinder{ <0,0,0>,<0,R_H,0>, R_R
#local Nr = Nr +1 ;
#end // end of loop
texture{ Railing_Texture_1 }
} // end of union
// ---------------------------------------------
#end // ------------------------ // end of macro
Step 2: Now we move this railing definition in an include file,
than we can use this macro from any scene file as a
new ready-made object.
This file should be saved either in the same directory like the POV-Ray scene file, in the POV-Ray include file directory
or in any include file directory with is mentioned as a Library_Path in the povray.ini file like:
// POV-Ray 3.7/3.6 include file "Railing_1.inc"
// author: Friedrich A, Lohmueller, Jan-2011
// homepage: www.f-lohmueller.de/
#ifndef( Railing_1_Inc_Temp)
#declare Railing_1_Inc_Temp = version;
#version 3.7; // 3.6;
// macro 'Railing_1'
// end of macro 'Railing_1'
/* sample:
*/ end sample
#version Railing_1_Inc_Temp;
//------------------------- end of include file
The railing with variable subdivisions.
The railing with redeclared textures.
The macro 'Railing_1'
from the include file 'Railing_1.inc'.
Include file for POV-Ray:
and scene file for POV-Ray:
Step 3: Then we call the macro as an object with the according dimensions:
//------------------- optional texture -----------------------------------//
#declare Railing_Texture_1 =
texture { pigment{ color rgb<1,1,1>*0.7}
normal { bumps 0.25 scale 0.35}
finish { phong 0.3 }
} // end of texture
#include "Railing_1.inc"
object{ Railing_1( 4.00, // railing length in x // i.e. 5.00,
0.90, // railing height in y // i.e. 1.00,
0.80, // railing vertical ~distance // i.e. 1.00,
0.025, // railing main radius // i.e. 0.025,
4, // vertical subdivision // integer, i.e. 0, 1, 2, ...
) //-----------------------------------------------------//
scale <1,1,1>*1
translate<0.00,0.00, 0.00>
} // end of object 'Railing_1'
Download of all ready-made POV-Ray objects
zipped up (with all include files, example files and with
the according Insert Menu Add-ons for comfortable use!)
at the POV-Ray Objects