Les ailes de l'hélice |
#declare Rotation_Angle = 20;
// ------------------------------------ dimensions of the blades
#declare Number_of_Blades = 5;
#declare Blade_Radius = 3.00; // length of the propeller blades
// --------------------------------------- texture of the blades
#declare Blades_Texture =
texture { Chrome_Metal finish{ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.8 phong 1}}
// -------------------------------------------------------------
union{ // propeller -------------------------------------------
cylinder { <0,0,-0.01>,<0,0,1.00>,0.10 } // propeller axis
difference{ // propeller nose
sphere{<0,0,0>, 1}
box {<-1,-1,-0.1>,<1,1,1>}
scale <1,1,2.5>*0.3
union{ // blades
#declare Nr = 0;
#declare End = Number_of_Blades;
#while ( Nr < End)
sphere { < 0, 0, 0>,0.5
translate <0.5,0,0>
scale <1,0.15,0.04> rotate <10,0,0>
scale Blade_Radius
texture {Blades_Texture}
rotate< 0,0, 360/End * Nr >
#declare Nr = Nr + 1;
} // end of union of the blades
translate <0,0,-0.5>
rotate <0,0,Rotation_Angle>
} // end of union propeller ------------------------------------