How to Make a Torpedo:
Step 1: The Body
We buildt the body by two ellipsoids (red)
and a cylinder (yellow) all with the same radius:
sphere { <0,0,0>, 0.5
} // end of sphere ------
cylinder{ <-4,0,0>,<0,0,0>,0.5
} // end of cylinder -----
sphere { <0,0,0>, 0.5
scale< 5,1,1>
} // end of sphere ------
Step 2: The Wings
2.0: We call this a "Wing":
#declare Wing =
2.1: We take a cone,
cone { <0,0,0>,0.75,<0,1.00,0>,0.35
2.2: we shrink it in z direction by
scale <1,1,0.1>
2.3: we shear it in x direction by
matrix< 1 , 0, 0,
-0.25, 1, 0,
0 , 0, 1,
0 , 0, 0>
2.4: and we close the cone:
} // end of cone -----
2.5: Now we bundle 4 wings, rotating them around the x axis:
object{ Wing rotate<0*90,0,0>}
object{ Wing rotate<1*90,0,0>}
object{ Wing rotate<2*90,0,0>}
object{ Wing rotate<3*90,0,0>}
2.6: and move them at their position at the end of the tail:
} // end of union