- POV-Ray Tutorial
- POV-Ray Examples
Index of Content
- Geometry
- Architecture
- Engineering
- Ladder
- Pylons
- Railing
- Bridge
- Tubes
- Tube Fork
- Tube Stopcock
- Chain
- Coil of Wire
- Torpedo
- Cruise Missile
- Rocket
- Wheel
- Truck
- Propeller
- Airplanes
- Canoe
- Guitar Body
- 7-Segment Display
- Ribbon Cable
- Cable Harness
Pipeline Tube Stopcock
Objects: isosurface, cylinder, Hexagon, sphere.
Methods: #macro, #declare, #local, union, difference, #while.
uses: #include "shapes.inc" (a standard include file!)
macro "Tube_Fork_000"
#include "shapes_lo.inc"
A macro for a stopcock with wheel for pipeline tubes with flanges and nuts.
Here at first all sizes and textures are leaved "undeclared" because they will
be declared in the final macro which puts all these things together!
R1 = main tube radius, R2 = side tube radius,
F_Add = width of flange over tube radius.
F_D = flange thickness,
FB_R = flange border radius,
First we build a flange similar to the flange
in the example Tubes
but this time as a macro with the variables of tube radius "Tube_Rad"
and the flange width "Flange_Add":
We do this because we have to adapt the flanges to tube ends with two different radi
R1 and R2.
#macro Flange ( Tube_Rad, Flange_Add )
... see scene file for details ...
#end //-------- end submacro ----------------- |
Now we build a cover for the tube end using the above macro:
#declare Side_Cover =
union{ // flange + cover plate
object{ Flange( R2, F_Add ) }
object{ Round_Cylinder(
} // end of union ---------------------------- |
Now we need a stopcock wheel:
Wheel sizes: Wheel_Axis_Len = length of the axis
Wheel_Rmin and Wheel_Rmaj the to radi of the wheel.
#declare Wheel =
// axis holder
object{ Round_Cylinder(
2*Wheel_Rmin, FB_R, 0)
object{ Round_Cylinder(
2.5*Wheel_Rmin, FB_R, 0)
// wheel + axis
union{ //2
union{ //3
torus{ Wheel_Rmaj, Wheel_Rmin
rotate<0,0,90> }
Wheel_Rmin*2/3 }
Wheel_Rmin*2/3 rotate<90,0,0>}
scale<0.67,1,1> }
} // uni3
} // uni2
} // end of union ---------------------------- |
And last but not least we use my tube fork macro from
A flange with nuts
A flange with tube end cover
A flange with tube end cover and stopcock wheel
The tube fork macro
To complete this we use put all in a macro
here called Tube_Stopcock_000
Beside of the dimensions there are also installed some switches,
most of them are self-declaring!
0.50, // R1, // main tube radius: 1~0.25
0.35, // R2, // side tube radius: 1.5~0.20
0.05, // Tube_D, // tube material thickness
0.15, // Blobfactor; // 0.1~0.002 ; max0.20
0.05, // isosurface radius correction,
0, // Test_End_Cylinders_ON, 1=on, 0=off
0.14, // F_Add, // flanch radius add
0.05, // F_D, // flanch thickness
0.01, // FB_R, // Flanch_Border_Radius
1, // Nuts_ON, // 0 = no nuts but holes;
// 1 = nuts - no holes
0.085, // Nut_Scale, // ~0.035
12, // Number_of_Nuts, // ~ 16,
1,// Side_End_Cover_ON,
1,// Stopcock_wheel_ON,
20,// Stopcock_wheel_Rotation_Angle,
// wheel sitzes
0.05, // Wheel_Rmin,
0.45, // Wheel_Rmaj,
0.35, // Wheel_Axis_Len,
) // ------------------------------------
rotate <0,0,90>
} // ------------------------------------------ |
The tube fork with flanges and side cover
rotated by "rotate <0,0,90>"
The tube fork with flanges and stopcock
rotated by "rotate <0,0,90>"
For Download of this shape as a Ready-made POV-Ray object in an
include file with macro
and for example files look at the
POV-Ray Objects Page - Tube_Stopcock