- POV-Ray Tutorial
- POV-Ray Examples
Index of Content
- Geometry
- Architecture
- Engineering
- Ladder
- Pylons
- Railing
- Bridge
- Tubes
- Tube Fork
- Tube Stopcock
- Chain
- Coil of Wire
- Torpedo
- Cruise Missile
- Rocket
- Wheel
- Truck
- 1. Chassis
- 2. Car Body
- 3. Tractor
- 4. with Tailer
- Propeller
- Airplanes
- Canoe
- Guitar Body
- 7-Segment Display
- Ribbon Cable
- Cable Harness
Truck - 2. Car Body
Objects: "Round_Box", "cylinder".
Methods: "difference", "union", "#declare" "#macro".
The Construction of the Car Body:
First the outer shape of the car body is formed by
a "union" of two "Round_Box"es.
Caving out of the interior
and of the window holes:
Now we subtract from the outer shape some other shapes:
1. The inside of the driver cabin (green)
2. The holes for the windows (yellow)
3. The recess for the front wheels (orange).
The fitting of the window glasses::
Then we fill the driver cabin by a "Round_Box"
with glass texture (without IOR, that means: without refraction), which is
just a little bit bigger than the green shape.
Continued with part 3