Motifs (patterns) pour pigment et normal
Motifs avec Fractals |
mandel |
pigment{ mandel 50 exponent 2 //2...33
scale 0.60 translate<0.15,0,0>
color_map{[0.00 color rgb <0.5,0,0.25>]
[0.08 color rgb <0.8,0,0.10>]
[0.20 color rgb <1,0.4,0>]
[0.30 color rgb <1,0.7,0>]
[1.0 color rgb <1,1,1>]}
} // end of pigment |
pigment{ color rgb <1,1,1>}
normal { mandel 125
scale 0.50 translate<0.15,0,0>
} // end of normal |
#declare Pigment_1 =
pigment{ mandel 50 exponent 2 //2...33
// interior 1,2 exterior 1,2
scale 0.50 translate<0.15,0,0>
color_map{[0.00 color rgb <0.5,0,0.25>]
[0.08 color rgb <0.8,0,0.10>]
[0.20 color rgb <1,0.4,0.05>]
[0.30 color rgb <1,0.7,0>]
[0.60 color rgb <0.0,0,0>]
[0.80 color rgb <0,0,0>]
[1.00 color rgb <1,1,1>]}
} // end of pigment -------------------
sphere{ <0,0,0>, 1
pigment{ Pigment_1
} // end pigment
normal { pigment_pattern { Pigment_1 }
} // end normal
finish { phong 1 }
} // end of sphere |
julia |
pigment{ julia <0.360, 0.250>, 20
interior 1, 1 scale 0.60
color_map{[0.0 color rgb <0,0,0>]
[0.2 color rgb <1,0,0>]
[0.4 color rgb <1,1,0>]
[1.0 color rgb <1,1,1>]
[1.0 color rgb <0,0,0>]}
} // end of pigment |
magnet |
pigment{ magnet 1 // magnet type 1 or 2
mandel 20 interior 1, 1
scale 0.25 rotate<0,30,0>
color_map{[0.0 color rgb <0,0,0>]
[0.2 color rgb <1,0,0>]
[0.4 color rgb <1,1,0>]
[1.0 color rgb <1,1,1>]
[1.0 color rgb <0,0,0>]}
} // end of pigment |
pigment{ magnet 2 // magnet type 1 or 2
mandel 20 interior 1, 1
scale 0.36 rotate<0,40,0>
color_map{[0.0 color rgb <0,0.5,0>]
[0.2 color rgb <0,0,1>]
[0.4 color rgb <1,0.5,0>]
[1.0 color rgb <1,1,1>]
[1.0 color rgb <0,0,0>]}
} // end of pigment |
pigment{ magnet 1 // magnet type 1 or 2
julia <0.360, 0.250>, 20 interior 1, 1
scale 0.26 rotate<0,40,0>
color_map{[0.0 color rgb <1,0.5,0>]
[0.1 color rgb <1,0,0.5>]
[0.4 color rgb <1,1,0>]
[1.0 color rgb <1,1,1>]
[1.0 color rgb <0,0,0>]}
} // end of pigment |
#declare Pigment_1 =
pigment{ magnet 1 // magnet type 1 or 2
julia <0.360, 0.250>, 20 interior 1, 1
scale 0.26 rotate<0,40,0>
color_map{[0.0 color rgb <1,0.5,0>]
[0.1 color rgb <1,0,0.5>]
[0.4 color rgb <1,1,0>]
[1.0 color rgb <1,1,1>]
[1.0 color rgb <0,0,0>]}
} // end of pigment -------------------
sphere{ <0,0,0>, 1
pigment{ Pigment_1
} // end pigment
normal { pigment_pattern { Pigment_1 }
} // end normal
finish { phong 1 }
} // end of sphere |